Video and photography

Video: Christopher Columbus statue torn down on Fourth of July 

My video of protesters in Baltimore tearing down a Christopher Columbus statue in Little Italy on Fourth of July was viewed nearly 7 million times on Twitter, and was re-used by numerous publications including The Washington Post, AP News and NPR. The statue has stood by Little Italy for more than 30 years and is the latest to come down in recent weeks amid protests. Both crowds of demonstrators and local orders have removed other tributes to Columbus, Confederate leaders and other controversial figures representing racist parts of America's history.

Video: Protesters flood the streets of Baltimore following Floyd's death (The Baltimore Brew)

Story & video: Blind Justice escorted out of meeting by police in latest free speech test (The Daily World)

For months, an Aberdeen man who says he’s motivated by First Amendment freedoms has been testing local governments by showing up in their offices with no apparent business to conduct, then filming people with his phone camera. Typically, it has made people uneasy and sometimes police have been called. Last week, a version of one of his tests resulted in him being escorted from an Aberdeen City Council meeting.

Video: "Eco Goats" released into the heart of Baltimore (The Baltimore Brew)

A stampede of goats rushed out of their trailer and into the heart of North Baltimore, tasked with taking out the pesky vines and underbrush in Wyman Park across the street from the Baltimore Museum of Art. Excitement was high online about the coming of the four-legged weed-whackers to Baltimore, where bad news has been plentiful and adorable goat stories have had a knack for counteracting it. -- Full story here

Photo: Police arrest and use taser on alleged Safeway shoplifter

Here's a photo I took from Aberdeen, Washington, where police officers arrested a man near the homeless camp along the Chehalis River Tuesday for allegedly shoplifting at Safeway earlier in the day. They used a taser on the man, knocking him to the ground, which caused blood to stream down his face.